Jonagold | Jonagored

The Jonagold is a popular allrounder among apple varieties and is widely available in Europe. It is suitable as a dessert apple as well as a cooking and roasting apple, which is due to the fact that it is continuously ripe for eating and sold from October to July. Its shape is almost round, while the top colouring is greenish. On the sunny side, however, it has reddish stripes in areas. Its “relative” is Jonagored. It was first purposefully cultivated in Belgium in 1986 as a Jonagold apple derivative. The biggest difference between the two is the more intense red colouring and a classic cone-like shape.

The very pretty, if somewhat streaky red colouring turns into rusty red in some places. The flesh of Jonagored is a prime pale yellow, very juicy and sweet, tempered with a little acidity. When eaten, one almost tastes something like spice aromas, a hint of wine sensation and a hint of honey. These are light flavours, and the apple is very digestible and also good for any apple dish imaginable. Jonagored, just like Jonagold, can be stored in good conditions until spring.